It is that time of year again, the time all herbal business owners dread, year end. Inventory must be updated, income statements printed and expired product must be obsoleted. Thankfully, Kerri makes it relatively painless. Here is a quick review of how to easily perform the following processes:
Update inventory
Obsolete expired products
Print off your inventory list and its value
Print off your income statements
Update inventory
From the Inventory list, select Update Qty from the top menu.
Select Click here to search.
Click in the Type field and select RAW.
Click the Search button to see a list of your raw materials.
For each item, enter the updated amount in the Qty field. For tips on how to make counting inventory easier, review our article Streamlining taking a physical count of inventory: 5 Tips for Herbal Business Owners
Use the navigation controls at the bottom of the list to move to the next page.
Once all your raw material quantities have been updated, click the Next button to see a list of the updated items.
Click the Finish button at the bottom of the screen to save your updates.
Repeat the steps for your packaging and point of sale items.
Obsolete expired products
Expired products that you are throwing away should be obsoleted in Kerrii. This list can then be printed off and given to your accountant who will record it as a tax deduction.
From the Inventory list, select Expired List from the top menu.
Click on an expired item. Click the Obsolete button.
Select Obsolete List from the top menu.
Repeat steps 2 through 3 until all items have been obsoleted.
Select Print from the top menu.
Print off the list of obsoleted products using your browser print feature.
Print off your inventory list
From the inventory list, select Print from the top menu.
Print off the list of obsoleted products using your browser print feature.
Print off your income statements
From the Invoices list, select Print from the top menu.
Click on the calendar in the Starting Date field.
Select January 1, 2024.
Click on the calendar in the Ending Date field.
Select December 31, 2024.
Click the Submit button.
Click the Summary Report button.
Print off the report using your browser print feature.
While these are easy to follow steps, you may find you have challenges specific to your herbal business. If you are struggling with your year end, don't forget you can always book a Zoom support call using the training link in your Welcome to Kerrii email. We are here to help.