Soon we will be saying goodbye to the old year and hello to a new one. It will also be time to do inventory, account for expired product and print off income statements. These three simple tasks can take hours or even days. However, with Kerrii they take only minutes.
Accounting for expired product
Before you count inventory, you should move any expired or unsalable product to the Obsolete list. The Obsolete list is useful for tax purposes as it lists all your product losses. Both Raw Materials and Point of Sale items can be moved to the Obsolete List.
To move an inventory item to the Obsolete List:
Click on the item in the Inventory List. The Inventory pane appears.
Click the Obsolete button. A dialog box appears asking if you want to move the item to the Obsolete List.

3. Click the OK button.
Once you have finished adding products to the expired list, you can print out the list for accounting purposes.
To print out the Obsolete List:
View the Inventory List.
Click to select Obsolete List from menu bar. Kerrii displays the Obsolete List.

3. Click to select Print from the menu bar. A new tab is created with a printer friendly version of the Obsolete List.
4. Use the print function on your web browser.
Counting inventory
Keeping track of inventory is the bane of any business owners existence. As herbalists we manufacture our remedies so we have inventory for manufacturing as well as sales inventory. It can make the whole process even more burdensome. Thankfully Kerrii takes a painful process and makes it simple.
To count your inventory:
View the Inventory List.
Click to select Print from the menu bar. Kerrii creates a new tab displaying a printer friendly version of the list.
Use the print function on your web browser to print out the list.
Use the print out as a guide. Make a visual check of each inventory item and update amounts as needed.
Once you have noted any changes, enter the new amounts into Kerrii.
If you have a tablet of laptop you can enter the changes into Kerrii directly without using a paper list.
You only need to estimate the amounts, it is not necessary to weight, measure or count exactly what you have. Eyeballing your inventory saves you hours but still gives you enough information to do your accounting.
Printing off income statements
If you have been using Kerrii to print off all your service invoices as well as your product invoices, you can print off income statements for the year.
To print off an annual income statement:
View the Invoice List.
Click to select Print in the menu bar. The Starting Date and Ending Date fields appear.

3. Click the calendar icon in the Starting Date field, a calendar drops down.
4. Select January 1, 2020.
5. Click the calendar icon the in Ending Date field, a calendar drops down.
6. Select December 31, 2020.
7. Click the Submit button. Kerrii filters the list to show the selected invoices and the Detail Report and Summary Report buttons appear.
8. Click the Summary Report button. Kerrii opens a new window displaying the report.
9. Print off the report using your browser functions.